The threat of foreclosure is something no one wants to have to face. If you believe your mortgage lender has made a mistake and put your home at risk of foreclosure, we can help you explore your options to help you fight foreclosure. The following discusses how you and your lawyer can dispute lender errors to avoid your home being put on notice for foreclosure.
Please keep reading to learn more, and then give us a call to set up a free consultation.
How to Dispute Lender Errors
Are you confused about why you are being put on notice for a foreclosure? Mortgage lenders make mistakes. However, these mistakes are not always innocent as they could result in someone losing their home if the mistake is missed. Please keep reading to learn how our Florida foreclosure defense lawyers can combat mortgage lender errors.
Notifying the Mortgage Lender
You must send a letter to your mortgage lender to start a dispute. You must put them on notice that there was an error. You can ask our Florida foreclosure lawyers for advice on how to craft this letter to your mortgage lender. The lender then must notify you in return that the error has been corrected. Conversely, they must inform you that there was no error to fix. Either way, you should be given information on how to follow up with this notice.
Waiting for the Lender’s Response
Once you have sent them this notice, they have five business days to acknowledge the letter. The time in which mortgage lenders have to respond to letters regarding lender errors depends on the type of dispute.
If they receive a dispute about an inaccurate payoff statement, they must respond within seven business days of receiving that letter. If they receive a dispute that they have mistakenly started a foreclosure against you, they must either respond within 30 business days or before the foreclosure sale date. The mortgage lender must respond to any other types of disputes within 30 business days.
When a Response is Not Required
A mortgage lender will not always be required to respond to a notice. If you do not receive a response, it may be because you have already sent a notice and received an answer. It may also be because you were not specific in your notice. Lastly, you won’t receive a response if you are contacting a lender about a loan that has been transferred to another servicer or already paid off.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office to schedule a free consultation if you did not receive a response when you believe you should have.
Types of Lender Errors
Mortgage lenders are in charge of many things concerning servicing a loan. There is a lot of room to make mistakes. If you notice any of the following common lender errors, please reach out to our Florida foreclosure lawyers to dispute them right away:
- Your lender refused to accept a payment
- Your lender incorrectly applied the payment to your loan
- You see fees or charges that were not in your loan contract
- Your lender has neglected to pay property taxes
- Your lender has failed to pay homeowners’ insurance
- Your mortgage lender provided you with an inaccurate payoff balance amount
Do not delay reaching out to a lawyer if you notice lender errors. We want to be able to help you through this as soon as you see the mistake has been made. If you do not try to rectify this mistake, you will be at risk of foreclosure. Reach out to our office right away, even if it is only to seek advice.
Call Our Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers Today
When you are afraid of losing your house, it is time to reach out to a lawyer to explore your options. Sometimes when there are lender errors, you can fight the foreclosure. To get started on saving your home, please call and set up a free consultation with us right away.