History of Standing Abuses

History of Standing Abuses


Historically, mortgage lending was a low-risk endeavor, and a mainstay of conservative investment portfolios based on traditional lending practices. The prudent lender, typically a bank or mortgage company, lent exclusively to those with high credit, and then generally retained ownership of the mortgage.

However, with passing time and growing impatience with these safe but slow-yielding lending practices, a shifting paradigm occurred giving rise to the practice of mortgage securitization lending.

In startling contrast to the old school, it occurred to industry shakers[1] that returns on the mortgage investing process could be dramatically accelerated and extended by: 1. Sequestering the loan initiation component from the investment/ownership of the asset(s); 2. Enlisting the participation of non-traditional investors, particularly private equity; and 3. Dramatically relaxing credit-related standards to encourage sub-prime lending to less creditworthy borrowers. In this final coup be gras, the financial sector aggressively lobbied government regulators to loosen traditional lending requirements. [2]

By the time all of this had played out, banks and lenders became mere originators of mortgage loans, who would almost invariably assign the paper to third-party investors, often private equity firms, which then bundle the mortgage(s) collectively with others, and use them as collateral for mortgaged backed securities (MBSs), however denominated, issuing them for investment.[3]

Of critical importance, just as much as the relaxation of credit-related lending standards, it was the separation of the mortgage origination function from actual ownership of the mortgage that lead to the feeding-frenzy of lending to sub-prime candidates. Because of this, the banks and mortgage companies had little or no financial risk, and thus no incentive to insure the long-term viability of the mortgage loan performance – to the contrary, they were motivated to originate as many loans as possible, regardless of the risk of default.

Thus, this securitization of mortgages, together with the general loosening of credit standards required for mortgage borrowing, had disastrous results. By 2008, as defaults cascaded, the flaws in this way of doing things were exposed, and the mortgage market eventually bubble burst, sending shock waves reverberating throughout the US economy and beyond, with global results. Domestically alone, the collective net worth of US households declined by 13 trillion dollars[4], the stock market fell to half its pre-crisis peak[5], gross domestic product dropped to forty percent (40%) of its previous high[6], and subjectively, untold human angst occurred.

In retrospect, there is an aspect to the way in which this played out which tends to characterize questionable financial practices in general – they place a premium on rapid optimization at the expense of long-term viability. Specifically, in this case, it involves the separation of effective control from vested ownership of the investment offered. That is, control over the allocation of money is divested from those most concerned with insuring its responsible handling.


Against this backdrop, it becomes easier to see why some of the traditional legal safeguards in place to prevent irregularities in the handling of negotiable instruments deserve renewed respect and adherence. These include, most particularly, observance of the laws concerning proper standing to enforce these instruments. Only then will the financial industry be sufficiently dissuaded from playing fast and loose with the handling of investment securities, mortgage-backed ones.

In this regard, a fundamental principle of any lawsuit is that one must having standing in order to initiate it. Standing, in a legal sense, is defined broadly as capacity to maintain an action as plaintiff.[7] In most litigation, standing to sue is not in question. For example, rarely will a defendant question whether an injured motorist has the ability to sue the other driver. Rather, the issues generally will have to do with who was at fault and how severe the injury really is.

In the foreclosure context, however, things can be very different. In the law of negotiable instruments – meaning most legal documents reflecting a monetary obligation – any documents establishing collateral for the debt will follow the assignment of the debt itself.[8] Thus, a mortgage will follow any transfer of the promissory note which it secures.[9] Such a transfer will generally be transacted by a simple endorsement of the promissory note, either in blank or to a specific transferee.[10] The mortgage that secures it will then, by law, be assigned to the transferee of the Note, whether or not its assignment is actually recorded of record.[11]

It is important to note that a recorded assignment of the mortgage, of record, is important – indeed it can be of critical importance – but this importance generally has more to do with the perfection and priority of the mortgage vis a vis competing titular interests in the same real property. For the purpose of the analysis contained herein, we shall assume there are no such issues.

Where the owner of the note is also its holder, and it is in default, standing is proper to foreclose. If the Note is most recently endorsed in blank, then its holder will also be deemed its owner for standing purposes. So only if the Plaintiff in a foreclosure case presents the original Note, and there’s no endorsement to another party, or there’s a subsequent endorsement by such a party in blank, then the Plaintiff is also the owner of the Note and standing is proper. The foreclosure may proceed if all else is satisfactory.

However, this is where issues of standing can often arise. Properly speaking, only the owner of the note, not to be confused with its ‘holder’, has standing to sue on it. In this era of mortgage securitization, mortgages are bundled and traded around much like stocks and bonds, so that at any given time, it is difficult or impossible to know who holds it, and there are sometimes discrepancies in this regard. In light of this, the following situations are examples that can present standing problems for a Plaintiff in foreclosure:

  1. Where the Note is endorsed to a third party not joined in the foreclosure case:

The burden is on the Plaintiff to establish standing once it’s been called into question in the pleadings.[12] Usually, a promissory note will have been transferred to an institutional investor such as a hedge fund or other private equity concern without any record in the lawsuit or publicly. However, the Plaintiff will generally be a mortgage lender or bank, not the actual investor-owner of the paper. On the Note, unless the Plaintiff is the loan originator, or an endorsement in blank is the most recent in the chain of transfers, signed by a qualified representative of the most recent transferor, standing is improper.

A.1. Possible Exception: Servicing agent with authority to foreclose

Under some authority, a legal servicing agent, properly appointed in a written agreement, may have standing to sue in foreclosure. Such a servicing agent should be properly identified and specifically vested with authority to engage in such legal proceedings on behalf of the Note owner.

  1. Note endorsement not verifiable

Often the Note’s most recent endorsement, or any endorsement in the chain of ownership, will contain a signature that cannot be verified. The endorsement should identify the signer and her status as an authorized representative of the transferor. “Robo-signings”, though not necessarily defective in themselves, are improper where they lack back-up verification as to identity and authority.

  1. MERS involvement.

MERS is an acronym for Mortgage Electronic Registration Service. It was specifically created by the finance industry to keep digital track in the chain of ownership of a given mortgage instrument at any given time.[13] As a corollary, it was also deemed, by the industry, to have authority to transact the type of transfers at issue here. Unfortunately, it was created with little or no traditional legal authority or justification. Rather, it was created as a matter of convenience in an attempt to circumvent cumbersome but long-standing common law and statutory protocols, designed to safeguard the integrity of these conveyances.[14] Moreover, in virtually every transfer, MERS is named as the ‘nominee’ of the party it purports to represent, generally the transferor of a given instrument. The authority of a ‘nominee’ to do such a thing is nowhere defined at common law or statutorily.[15]  As of this writing, there still exists significant legal controversy involving what, if any properly vested authority, MERS has to transact conveyances on behalf of specified entities without their formal record involvement in any chain of transfer.[16]

  1. Where the Note is lost:

Many jurisdictions, including Florida, generally require banks to produce the note at the time of the foreclosure. The Plaintiff must prove its right to foreclose by additional items along with the complaint, including a certification that the bank is in possession of the original promissory note. But if the note has been lost, the bank can provide a lost note affidavit with a clear chain of all endorsements, transfers, or assignments of the promissory note. [17]

All in all, then, it is immensely beneficial to have attorneys who are well-versed in these issues, and thus have the ability to advance defenses related to them. And although you may not wind up owning your home free and clear forever, if you as a defendant in foreclosure lack the legal weapons with which to wage battle, you’ve very little leverage to negotiate a satisfactory resolution.

[1] Morgenson, Gretchen (2007-07-22). Mr. Vranos Has a Deal for You,. The New York Times Company. Retrieved 2007-12-10.

[2] Lender Lobbying Blitz Abetted Mortgage Mess, Wall Street Journal, December 31, 2007

[3] Lemke, Lins and Picard, Mortgage-Backed Securities, Chapters 4 and 5 (Thomson West, 2013 ed.).

[4] Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Net Worth, Level. 7 June 2018.

[5] S&P 500. 3 July 2018.

[6] Johnson, Simon (Sep 26, 2013). Three Unlearned Lessons From the Financial Crisis.. Bloomberg. Retrieved 17 November 2013.

[7] 39 Am J1st Parties § 12

[8] UCC Section 9-203; https://www.americanbar.org/groups/business_law/publications/blt/2011/12/keeping_current/

[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] Nationstar Mortg., LLC v. Marquez, 180 So. 3d 219, 221 (Fla. 3d DCA 2015)

[13] “About MERSCORP Holdings, Inc”. www.mersinc.org. November 17, 2018

[14] Peterson, Christopher Lewis (2011). “Two Faces: Demystifying the Mortgage Electronic Registration System’s Land Title Theory”William & Mary Law Review53 (1): 111–161. SSRN 1684729.

[15] Id.

[16]  Woellert, Lorraine; Johnston, Nicholas (October 7, 2010). “Obama Rejects Notary Bill Amid Foreclosure ‘CautionBloomberg Businessweek. 

[17] Nationstar Mortg., LLC v. Marquez, 180 So. 3d 219, 221 (Fla. 3d DCA 2015).

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